Saturday, February 4, 2012

Twists, Turns, Bumps and Roadblocks

"Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think." ---Horace

Becoming more than you are or have been is a daunting journey. Sometimes it seems as though the world would rather see you fail at any journey worthwhile. Perhaps this is why so few people in the world actually live their dreams and passions. Since I made the conscious decision to begin my journey and become more than I am, I have experienced an enormous amount of trials, loss and roadblocks. Many have stopped me in my tracks, much like being smacked in the face with a baseball bat.

During the past week a very dear friend, a best friend and one I hold very high respect for dropped me like a rock. This friend is the type of person you can talk with for hours. Sitting in a Starbucks, dining in a restaurant, or simply going for a soda is always an enjoyable outing. I am hurt, but respect their decision to move on and leave me behind. It all came down to different philosophical beliefs and our internal compasses. I guess it can be summed up in a different set of values that lead our individual lives. In the event that they ever stumble upon this blog, lost in the billions and billions of web pages, I apologize for anything I have done that hurt you. However, I must adhere to my values and the promise I made myself following my divorce. My promise is that I will surround myself with positive, motivated, honest and loyal people that live with integrity and passion. Carpe Diem my friend and if you ever find yourself on my side of the fence, do not hesitate to call.

All types of roadblocks can come your way on worthwhile journeys. The journey of weight loss has many roadblocks and can be a very difficult road. It is very important in the journey of weight loss to live one day at a time. I have mentioned this before, but if you have more healthy days than you have bad eating days, the journey succeeds. If you do not the journey fails. It really comes down to one day at a time and one meal at a time. Always, always remember that one bad meal or one bad day is just that, one event. Correct it the next meal or day, build momentum, and always build the mind along with the body. Heal the mind and you will heal the body.

This past week was a great one for me healthy wise and getting back on track. My beautiful wife joined me as we ate healthy, worked out at the gym and made a conscious effort to get healthier. It feels good to be back on top of things and making progress once again. Our official weigh-in is Sunday morning to see exactly how we did over the past week. I feel confident that I did reasonably well.

My beautiful wife purchased a writing software program for me that I have been wanting to purchase for more than two years. Every time I would attempt to purchase it, something would come up and the funds would go to another area. Well, thanks to my beautiful wife, that software is now loaded on my computer and I can begin to get well educated on the features and begin to use it. I am like a kid on Christmas morning. It will be difficult to properly prioritize and divide my time, as I am so excited.

I will close this post with just a few thoughts about my journey. I am realizing that even if I fall short of my most grand dreams and goals, I will still be so far ahead of where I started. Even if I fail miserably at reaching those lofty goals and dreams of reaching the furthest stars, I will still land on the moon. I recently heard a man say in a meeting, I set goals so high it is impossible to reach them. However, if you attempt to reach those impossible goals and fail, as you look back you will be amazed at how far you made it. I am so grateful to be on this Earth with the opportunity to pursue my passions, goals and dreams. I am so grateful for the wonderful people in my life. I am so grateful for all of my blessings. I am so grateful for the journey. The journey itself improves my life in ways I will never fully comprehend. Reach for the stars and land on the moon, perhaps you just might make it to that star.

"Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey." ---Alex Noble

"The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination." ---Don Williams

"You are about to begin the hero's journey. Travel well on the quest. A life of More is your birthright. Know the vast resource that reside in you and are provided for you in the world. You have raised the battle cry of There Must Be More Than This." ---Judith Wright


  1. Todd,
    I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs. You share some great insights. Keep on writing and shoot for moon!

    1. Stacy,

      Thank you for the kind words. I shall heed your great advice. =)


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Todd,
    I have followed your blog for a while now, but have never commented until now. You seem like a very kind-hearted friend and I am very surprised that you have "lost" a friend. Perhaps this lost friend has no idea what he/she gave up.
    You remarried (a loss for us single girls) yet still only pictures of you and your children. Interesting.
    You have not commented on your continued weight loss for a few posts. Just wondering how that is coming along.

    Becky (an interested reader)

    1. Becky,

      Thank you for writing and the very kind words. The lost friend is a great guy that decided to move on after I took a stand on honesty. I think it is imperative for a quality life, he lives with a more animated lifestyle. It truly is my loss. I had a good laugh about the marriage comment, almost looks as though I made up the whole marriage. I am still smiling. =) I am going to update the blog this weekend and if all goes well, I will post a recent photo of my wife and myself. (Confession, we have to take the photo this weekend. :-O ) Weight loss journey will be an update this holiday weekend. Thank you for writing and reading.

      All my best,

